Tips for overcoming procrastination and distraction

When balancing work, school, family, and more, it’s easy to procrastinate and get distracted instead of diving into the tasks you need to do. Here are some tips to avoid procrastination and distraction.

Procrastination is common

Reflect: What are you saying to yourself when you procrastinate? What’s the story you’re telling yourself? How helpful or unhelpful is it?

Why do you procrastinate?

How procrastination affects you

Tips to avoid procrastination

1. Reflect on the impact

2. Identify the root cause

3. Challenge your thoughts

Reflect: What distractions often come up when you’re trying to get something done? How do you typically respond? How can you remove or delay that distraction until your task is completed?

4. Make a plan

Try this: Struggling with time management? Try using the Pomodoro Technique. Set a timer for 25 minutes and work without interruption until it goes off. Rest or step away for three to five minutes. Reset the timer for 25 minutes and repeat. You can do this as many times as you need.

5. Be kind to yourself

Reflect: Does time pass without you noticing because you’re giving in to distractions? When you notice that happening, try taking control of that time to do something that’s important to you.

Tips to avoid distraction

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