Understand the talent landscape

Financial Services Talent Trends & Insights Report [2023]

Today’s tight labor market continues to drive up premiums on the qualified talent needed to address worsening skills gaps. Financial services institutions must find a way to build better talent pipelines from within — and at scale.

Guild’s latest report explores these and other challenges, along with key insights and solutions that can help institutions get ahead of the trends that hold talent outcomes back.

Don’t let the value of your talent depreciate.

The Guild effect: Education and skilling that drives outcomes



Financial services learners are 90% more likely to be promoted than their non-engaged counterparts.1



Learners at one financial services employer are 2.3X more likely to have been promoted compared to non-engaged employees, and 1.7x more likely to change titles compared to non-engaged employees.2


  1.  Guild’s internal data over the last 12 months as of 01/01/2023 from employers who have provided the required data for at least 13 months post launch
  2.  As of October ‘22
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