Latest Insight

Employers need a stronger alliance with higher ed. Tomorrow’s workforce is at stake.

The answer to the skills problem still lies in education, and in the process of better articulating skills acquired through learning programs and identifying the skills needed for today’s jobs.

The degree is still valuable — but skills are lost in translation.

A stronger connection between business and higher education benefits everyone.

How can education benefits help bridge skill gaps within the workforce?

Skills are gained in a variety of ways. We should recognize them as academic credit.

$1,900 average potential savings per training through Guild’s Credit for Training program.1

 Guild Learning Marketplace data

When it comes to building skills through degrees or credentials, it’s “yes, and…”

Participants in Live Better U were 2x more likely to be promoted and had 4x lower attrition compared to non-participants.

Walmart internal data from Live Better U program

Together, we can build a future of work that works for everyone.


  1.  Guild Learning Marketplace data as of 01/01/2023
  2.  Guild's cumulative internal data as of 01/01/2023
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