Identifying your values and aligning them with your career

Being able to name what you care about most and match up those values with your career infuses a sense of purpose into what you do for a living.

What are values, and what role do they play in your job?

Your values can reveal your personal mission

Reflect: Values-driven action leads to satisfaction. What action have you taken recently that was driven by a value you held?

What if you don’t know what your values are yet?

Reflect: On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you in your job? If you aren’t happy in your current role, consider what may be keeping you in this position. It might be time to think about creative ways to cultivate your values at work.

How to become aware of your values

Are you aligned with your values?

Reflect: It can be powerful to say aloud the motivations behind your goals. Ask yourself, What’s my “why”? Understanding the reasons you’re working so hard will help you keep going on hard days. If you keep asking “why?” you’ll eventually arrive at the values that ground you. 

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