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A roadmap for upskilling your workforce on AI

by Matthew J. Daniel
Senior Principal, Talent Strategy at Guild

1. A narrow window of opportunity

“And while the ‘trough’ may feel like a chance to catch up on your other priorities, it’s actually a critical moment for reskilling and upskilling on new technology to make it a strategic advantage for your company.”

Matthew J. Daniel, Senior Principal, Talent Strategy, Guild

2. Learn from "digital transformation" and take an active role

“It can be tempting to lean on technical teams to dictate your business needs around AI, but let me be blunt: Deferring to the rest of the business to pull together the first rounds of AI skilling is a recipe for missed opportunities and HR irrelevance.”

Matthew J. Daniel, Senior Principal, Talent Strategy, Guild

3. Building a persona-based framework

4. Investing in foundational skills for AI

5. Charting a path forward

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